Kimberley Nordic Club – Scotiabank School Ski Program.
Kimberley Nordic Club is excited to partner with Scotiabank in developing an opportunity for school kids from Kimberley and Cranbrook to experience the great sport of Cross-Country Skiing. For everyone who purchases a season pass prior to Oct 31st, Kimberley Nordic will donate $10 to the School Ski program and Scotiabank is offering matching funds up to $3000. By purchasing early, you will also lock in last year’s rates as they are increasing as on December 1st; you will also qualify for a draw prize which includes a Season's Pass and ski equipment.
Proceeds from this program will be used to buy ski equipment that can be used by the local schools and also help to defer some of the costs associated with the Ski at School program such as instructor costs and trail fees.
We hope you will take this opportunity to get your pass early, at last year’s rate and help us introduce cross country skiing to the kids of the area. We need 300 people to purchase their passes early so we can maximize the grant Scotiabank has so generously offered.
Register on-line at Zone4:
If you don't wish to sign on-line:
Sign up date at Scotiabank in Cranbrook:
Join us at the Scotiabank Branch in Cranbrook on October 27th from 11:00 to 2:00 to meet with representatives from Kimberley Nordic to have your questioned answered and register for you season’s pass!
Sign Up at Kimberley Nordic Kiosk:
The Kiosk at KNC will be open some hours on weekends in October in order to purchase your pass. That is Saturday October 6th - 10 to 2pm; Sunday October 14th- 10 to 2pm; Sunday October 21st- 10 to 2pm; Saturday October 27th and Sunday 28th 10 to 2pm; November every Saturday and Sunday 10 to 2pm until the snow flies. Don't forget to register before the end of October to take advantage of the matching funds!
KNC is 100% non-profit organisation, with all proceeds invested back into the sport and facility improvements.