Skiing is Getting Better.
Pictures from Angela, Kiosk Staff. Thanks as always. Skiing conditions are getting better at KNC. It is no longer icey and slick. Some...
NEW ! KNC Web Cam...LIVE.
Kimberley Nordic Club has just taken another step in providing members with more information about the ski conditions at KNC. We have...
Saturday Morning...Open Again...but a Little Limited. Be Careful out there..
OPEN.!! Our industrious Ginzu groomer has been out yesterday and this morning to groom the "firm" base and has scarified the skate track...
Still for Hoping More Snow...Skiing not Great.
Sometimes KNC is not sure what to do about recommending skiing for our members. It got warm, got soft, froze up and is now icey. Skiing...
Temporary Trail Closure.
Rain, rain go away. Come again another maybe April. Hi all, I have talked with Wayne Gilbert and decided we should temporarily...
Skiing This Last Weekend was Stellar.
Coach Frank was of course out training with a number of young athletes this past weekend. Here is a picture of two of the athletes from...
It's now Friday and the Weekend Ahead Looks Great for Cross Country Skiing !
Skiing is great and groomed again by the Big Cat. Great base, no bare spots and lots of sunshine. Kimberley Nordic is waiting for you and...
Upper Landsem...New Trail...Good Climb...GREAT Views...Come and See.
Kimberley Nordic has now been open and groomed for skiing since Nov. 3rd, 2017. Crazy. New trail work has been done this year including...
16 cm More Snow and the Big Cat was Out Again.
New snow at KNC again and our season base in getting bigger. Over 500 members and families have already registered for their seasons...
Masters Program...old folks...anyone over 19...ready to Get Going.
It is that time of year again! Tell your friends and come and join us for registration and socializing with old and hopefully new...