Saturday Morning...Open Again...but a Little Limited. Be Careful out there..
OPEN.!! Our industrious Ginzu groomer has been out yesterday and this morning to groom the "firm" base and has scarified the skate track somewhat and set a 5 km classic single track loop.
Skiers have been out and are reporting " hard and fast" conditions but skiable. With the colder overnight temps we are hanging into most of our base... but everyone out there do your snow dance !! Just a bit of snow will bring us back into good shape.
It is currently 1c degree, high overcast with sunny breaks and an intermittent breeze. Note- there will be some snowmobile traffic on the trails as we are building a hut at the Biathlon range for the biathlon club. Check out the website for more info.
The lodge will be open this weekend and here at the kiosk. We will be here 10-2 for folks to come get there seasons passes!!
See you soon, Angela