Friday Update...More Snow !..Yippee !

Friday, December 21 st
Good Day to You All!!
It is absolutely stunning up here this morning! With yesterdays snowfall adding another 10 plus cm of new stuff .
The temperature is steady at -4 with intermittent wind and mostly high overcast skies.
Trails were groomed this morning. With the holidays upon us it makes perfect sense to take some stress free time for you.
The lodge is welcoming with its cozy fire ready and waiting. And staff are available during the day and evenings to answer any questions you may have.
A warm welcome to all of our VOLUNTEERS. Looks like we are in for another great season of skiing, snowshoeing and SMILES!
Please note the new parking lot layout.. Parking on perimeter and please pull in fully and park as close as possible to the next vehicle .There are lots of us great skiers that want a place to park !
Hey ...did you know ..we have RENTALS ! both classic ski sets and NEW-- SNOWSHOES !
Our trails are classified as "multi use:".. so whereas no walkers or dogs on trails during ski season.
Snowshoers can share the trails on the far right or left of set tracks please do not walk down middle as that track is set for the awesome skate ski crowd.
Thanks to all for making this such a user friendly facility !
Doesn't get any better than this...beautiful too...come on up !