Upcoming Deadlines!

Hello Kimberley Nordic Club Members,
As we anxiously await more snow, the KNC has been busy preparing the trails and lodge for the season. One of our projects this year will be to properly name some of our new trails. We asked for feedback last year, but will be formalizing things this year. To this end, we have started an on-line survey to allow you to give us some suggestions for names for our new trails. This on-line survey will be open until the end of the December, 2018.
Only one more weekend left!! to purchase membership before the price goes up as well as be entered to win prizes.Kiosk will be open this Saturday and Sunday or purchase online at Zone4.
Lastly Masters program registration and information night will be November 29th at 7:00 PM. Stop by and find out about this great program for all ages over 19.
We look forward to receiving your suggestions.
The KNC Executive