Fall is here...Winter is coming. Kimberley Nordic AGM Tuesday Oct. 2nd. 7:00pm.

Photo not representative of current conditions...lol...sorry.
Greetings from your executive.... we hope you have had a great summer and are now thinking about 'cooler' weather activities as Autumn settles in.... we definitely are and would like to let you know about the following activities/events in preparation for our upcoming ski season.
We invite and encourage you to attend our AGM scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 7:00 pm at the lodge. We are anticipating a change in our executive, new leadership and will be voting on acceptance of some changes to our Constitution and By-laws. YOU WILL BE EMAILED A COPY OF OUR CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PRIOR TO OUR AGM FOR YOUR PREVIEW.
Two new benches have been installed at new lookouts and major work on the stadium area and trails continues. We invite you to come out for a Work Party Monday Oct. 8 at 9:30 am. We will have wood chips to disperse mainly so bring your rakes, shovels, work gloves along. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Memberships are now available for purchase!!! The Zone4 registration link is now working and the Kiosk Girls are not on duty yet...but also will be soon. Angela will be at the AGM taking registrations and the girls will be manning the Kiosk starting with some weekends in October. Here are the dates: Tuesday Oct 2nd 7 to 9 pm.. during AGM; Saturday October 6th - 10 to 2pm; Sunday October 14th- 10 to 2pm; Sunday October 21st- 10 to 2pm; Saturday October 27th and Sunday 28th 10 to 2pm; November every Saturday and Sunday 10 to 2pm until the snow flies. Get your memberships early this year as prices are increasing. Buy your pass prior to Nov. 30 and you will not only get in on last year's prices but be eligible for some great prizes including a Free Seasons Ski pass and over $500 of cross country ski equipment FREE. Also $10 of your membership fee will be donated to the Kimberley Nordic - Scotiabank Ski at School Program if you buy before October 31!!!! Watch for details, on our Facebook page and website and local media....
Our programs for adults and children are gearing up and starting to accept registrations... see website/membership forms for details or contact our Head Coach Tim Wintoniw at timwintoniw@gmail.com for more info. All of our volunteer coaches must have basic training and to that end there will be coaching clinics offered Oct 12-14 and Nov. 23-25.
A Dry-land Training Camp is being held Sept.29 - Oct. 1 in Kimberley and is open to all ages...... if you are interested in this please contact Tim Wintoniw.
Thanks from your Executive,
Derm Kennedy (president), Jeannie MacDonald (Treasurer), Susanne Kennedy (Secretary), Frank Ackerman, Keith King, Chris Bloch-Hansen, Heather Lamson, Mark Keonig, Tony Hetu and Chris Goodwin.