Happy Easter Weekend. Spectacular day yesterday, snowy day today...that's spring in the East Koo

Photo from Thursday, Patrick Fagan.
Lots and lots of snow still left to ski on and grooming will continue for a while longer, well into April, no fooling. Have you ever cross country skied in April? This year will be your chance.
Just check under Live Grooming Reports, you will see what and when things are groomed and the lovely ladies of the Kiosk always personalize things with skiers comments during the day. Can't get any better than that. Yeah KNC.
Have a great Easter weekend. Go skiing. And don't forget the full moon (Blue Moon) this Saturday night. With clear skies in the forecast it should be a great one to ski under.
Friday, March 30th/18: A Good Friday Morning To You!
It is presently Snowing up here at KNC with the odd ray of sunshine! Yes, Snow & Sun!!! Rather thrilling isn't it! The temperature is at a steady +2C (feels like -1C) and the wind is moving at 10km with gusts of 16km.
Main trails were groomed yesterday morning while Secondary trails were groomed late yesterday afternoon.
Thanks guys, for keeping on top of it for all the XC skiing fans!!!
Conditions are firm but soft and not frozen ....one skier is presently out on the trails and I will update conditions as she returns from her morning experience!. Play time up at KNC is Definitely an option for you and the peace out on the trails is truly hard to beat!
Hope to see you up here!
What a beautiful morning it is....!
10:10 UPDATE: The clouds have really moved in and it is Snowing, Snowing, Snowing! Reports from skiers indicate conditions not as great as yesterday but still very doable. The main hill on Snowbird has very little loose snow to grab onto so use care and caution. The packed snow continues to soften....
With the full moon peaking Saturday, night skiing will be a treat as well! The lodge continues to remain open in the evenings for your use and pleasure.
And a BIG Welcome to all the Visitors! Cross Country Skiing this year has been a real treat for us and we love that you think so too!
If you are missing winter items (clothing/equipment), check out our "lost and found". There is a lost and found box in the lodge, as well as at the Kiosk (see attendant).