Snow, snow, snow...Open for Skiing and Groomed. Early Season Skiing Now.
Photo credit: Ross Guest
Saturday November 4th-- SNOW!! and more forecast over the next 2 days..! With a 30 cm base we are conditionally open for business!! The snow cat has been out and main runs are groomed for classic and skate. Centennial, Snowbird,Trapline, Spruce, Rollercoaster and Landsom have been set. The snow is a little soft and a little slow, especially skate skiing but it is great to be cross country skiing at this early time of year.
Caution ! There is still some equipment and work being finished on the trails so grab your rock skis and wax for sticky heavier snow conditions for a super early ski season start!
Note: the lodge will not be open on Saturday due to a previous private booking event.. But the fire will be going in the waxing hut.
We will be at the Kiosk from 10-4 for you to come get your memberships or On line registration for memberships now available at Zone4 and the link is now fixed and the form has been corrected for dates. Kimberley Nordic or go to Kimberley Nordic and click the link!! see you soon! Angela.