Want snow? We have TONS of snow...100cm. plus in the last week...and just in time for B.C. Family Da

Last week we said "Let it snow, lket it snow, let it snow..." and it did , in spades. Some places in Kimberley have recorded 130 cm. plus and finally it has stopped. Our NEW groomer has been out lots compacting the snow to firm it up. Skate skiing is a little soft but it will firm up as a the day goes on and grooming is planned again over night. (UPDATE 12:30pm FRIDAY, KIOSK STAFF REPORT THE SKATE TRACKS ARE HARDENING UP AS WE WRITE, JUST REPORTED BY SKATERS, TRACK IS QUITE FIRM NOW) That grooming should firm up the skate lane a lot.
Tons of snow, beautiful scenery, fresh air..."Living the dream in the East Kootenays."
"Best conditions and grooming in years."
Have a great Family Day Weekend and happy skiing.
Thanks to Terri, Kiosk Staff, for the nice pictures.