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2017 Kimberley Nordic Club Clothing Now for Sale.

Kimberley Nordic Club is redesigning the club suits. It is a very long process but after much work we are finally finished the ski suit design.

Below is a screen shot of what the suits will look like (though there will still be a few minor changes).

The company (Apogee) is the same company as the old suits. Anyone who wants to order suits will need to place their order next week! We therefore need to get the word out ASAP. The sizing of the clothing is the same as 5 years ago, so if you know what size you are already, great, just order that. Otherwise, the company is sending a sizing kit that will arrive by Tuesday morning. This kit will be available to try on sizes this Sunday. The sizing kit will be either with myself, or with Kim Miller.

People can order any or all of the following:

Racing jersey (retail price $79)

Racing tights/pants (retail price $79)

Warm-Up Jackets (same as last time with 2 zippered pockets on the front, retail price $109)

Warm-Up Pants (no suspenders this time, retail price $89)

Toques (retail price $25)

Headband (retail price $10)

Thanks to the many sponsors that we have received, the costs for this clothing will be subsidized for the orders that we place this year only. Any orders placed in the next few years will be full-priced items.

As we are trying to encourage our youth to be active, we decided to give 2/3 of the funding towards all kids, Track Attack skiers, junior racers and coaches involved in these programs. The other 1/3 of the funding will help subsidize the costs for everyone else.

Roughly speaking, a complete outfit for a child (racing suit top and bottom, warm-up jacket and pants, toque and headband) would come to around $220, and for an adult it will be roughly $310.

We are asking for a 50% deposit, of the above-listed retail prices, on all orders placed. Deposits can be made by cash, cheque (made payable to the Kimberley Junior Racers), or eTransfer made to me.

Orders can be placed by contacting me at this email, or calling/texting me at 250-427-0644, or contacting Kim Miller at, cell # 250-427-0798.

We plan on being at the KNC lodge on Sunday, Dec from 1:30 to 3:30pm.

For those that cannot attend any sizing sessions, nor have access to any old suits to pick their size, the company has a sizing chart that can be used as well at the following website:

Thank you,

Frank Ackermann

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